is helping you to find the best or cheapest properties for rent or for sale in Somalia, both from private sellers or real estate brokers and agents. uses new technologies to offer your the best rates in the country, from Mogadishu to Hargeisa, Kismayo and other parts of the country.
A diverse selection of different types of properties (apartments, condominiums, houses, farms, plots of land, etc.) can be found on, in either the most dynamic locations of Somalia or the most remote ones. Our website is built to be easily accessible from both mobile, tablets or desktop devices, smartphones and computers, and everything is just a simple click away.
Get in contact with a real estate agent or a private seller at no fee, and get the best rates from them. Start the search now for your next dream home in Somalia, to buy or to rent, or sell your property now with us for free, with no commission, and find the best buyers in a few days!
We also have an app so you can enjoy all MyProperty Somalia from your phone! partners with the best and most renowned real estate agents in the country.
Somalia, a country once ravaged by two decades of civil war, is experiencing a remarkable...
Continue readingSomalia's real estate industry has witnessed massive development in recent years, contributing to...
Continue readingSomalia, a country with a population of 15.8 million, faces a significant housing crisis. With 60%...
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